Protecting Your Business And Customers

When talking about the secure payments, let us not forget what a tremendous energy was invested into the market education during the past 10-15 years. I’m sure you will remember how many times we were repeating the same set of

3-D Secure

AllSecure Exchange Platform 3-D Secure 2 Compliance

Even if the European Banking Authority has granted regulators in individual European countries a longer transition period, the EU’s Payment Services Directive (PSD) will shortly be replaced by PSD2 (effective: 14 September 2019), ensuring Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) for credit

AllSecure Payments Gateway and 3-D Secure 2.0

3-D Secure (3DS) 2.0 is coming! This new version of the 3DS authentication protocol will shortly be available, and includes several key changes to the handling of eCommerce and mobile payments. 3-D Secure 2.0 is expected to be available on

Integral Risk Checks within the AllSecure Payment Gateway

The AllSecure Payment Gateway, an essential part of our eCommerce solution, features a number of integral risk checks, providing a powerful and convenient safeguard for domestic and cross-border transactions. A major challenge for fraud prevention is maintaining strong defenses without

3D Secure – Uputstvo za kupce

Većina banaka i e-commerce trgovaca u Srbiji su već implementirali 3-D Secure proces kako bi zaštitili Vas, korisnike kartica, od neautorizovane upotrebe vaših kartica za plaćanje online. 3-D Secure zahteva od Vas da se autentifikujete pri plaćanju preko interneta i

MDHL – Platforma za mobilna plaćanja

Platforma za mobilna plaćanja koju je razvio Execom omogućuje bezbedan, brz i optimizovan proces plaćanja koji se može primeniti kako sa udaljene lokacije (e-commerce i m-commerce), tako i za plaćanja na licu mesta. Mogućnosti primene su praktično beskonačne: na benzinskim pumpama,

Kako plaćati 3D-Secure karticama ?

U jednom od ranijih tekstova, pisali smo o značaju primene 3D-Secure zaštite iz perspektive Internet trgovca. Uz sve primedbe koje se mogu čuti na račun 3D-Secure, mora se priznati da on predstavlja jedan od vodećih načina zaštite, kako trgovaca, tako i

Pet osnovnih rešenja za prevenciju prevara

U današnjem svetu, u kome broj internet transakcija rapidno raste, istovremeno raste i broj pokušaja prevara. Broj ostvarenih internet kartičnih transakcija koje obave korisnici iz Srbije se svake godine povećava za dvocifreni procenat. Prateći trend rasta, ne bi se iznenadili da

Need Secure Online Payments?

We enable merchants to accept online and mobile payments from buyers worldwide.

Established in 2001. AllSecure became a global Payment Service Provider dedicated to providing tailor-made online payment solutions that solve issues and suite the requirements of its clients.
Our PCI DSS Level 1 payment gateway processes in multiple market and currencies through single platform in a smart and cost-effective way. The aim is to optimize the clients’ payment solutions using the best gateway technologies, world class acquires along with our in-depth payment knowledge and professional services.

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Accepted Methods
american express
sepa direct debit